VBS Parent Info

Posted by Nancy Turner on

Dropping Off Children

Please have your child wear their name tag on the first day of VBS. Children should be brought to the Worship Center Lobby each morning and left with a leader to escort them to their group in the Worship Center. Group leaders will collect the name tags at dismissal each day.  

Picking up Children

Dismissal begins at noon. Please remain outside in the parking lot. Children will be dismissed from the Worship Center by groups to the coned area of the parking lot near the Worship Center doors.

Bring the safety card you were given and present it to the group leader.  No children will be released to “meet their parent at the car.” If you do not have a safety card with you, please go to Registration to get another card. 


We recommend that all children wear athletic shoes to VBS. NO Flip Flops. Elementary school age children will be outside running and playing games. 

Please apply sunscreen and/or insect repellent if your child requires this protection when being outside. Our volunteers are not allowed to apply these products. 


Water is available to children at snack time.

Each day, bring a water bottle labeled with your child's name for them to use during VBS.


Our volunteers are not allowed to administer medications.

If your child becomes ill or is injured, you or another emergency contact will be notified. Please ensure that your emergency contacts are available and that you have given us the correct information.

Medical Conditions/Food Allergies

Our volunteers are not allowed to administer medications.

Children with medical conditions or food allergies are asked to come to the Registration Area each morning to obtain and wear ID bracelets while they are on campus.

If a medical emergency occurs during VBS, 911 will be called, and the appropriate emergency contact will be notified.

For answers to specific questions, check our FAQs page here or email    or call Nancy Turner, at 703-670-5032 ext. 17.


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